
Tuesday, May 28, 2024

May mystery quilt

Another mystery is solved.  The quilt is shown below.

We will be using fabric from the Cretaceous line from Riley Blake.  











This will be a great quilt for you dinosaur lover.  Call us at 801-465-9133 to reserve your kit.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Women of Faith and Courage

 Block 13 - YOU!

You are part a group of amazing folks.  You spend hours selecting just the right fabric, cutting it up into little pieces to stitch it back together in intricate and beautiful patterns, only to give it away as an amazing symbol of love, comfort, and caring. You are among the first to offer comfort and warmth to individuals who have been displaced, forgotten or just need a little lift.  You take care of your family, serve your neighbors, volunteer at your kid's/grand kid's schools, make dinner for a new mom, grow a garden, serve your church and community, and still take time to mentor a friend who is just beginning her quilting journey.  You are a person of faith and courage!

Your quilts create a legacy that will influence others for generations to come. You are truly amazing!   

For this block you will need:
    1) 3" x 42" strip  
    2) 2 1/2" squares
    1)  3" x 24" strip
    1) 3" x 24" strip
    1) 4 1/2" square

From the 3" x 42" background strip cut:
    12) 3" squares
    2) 2 1/2" squares (these are in addition to the two that are provided)
From the 3" x 24" brown strip cut:
    8) 3" squares
From the 3" x 24" pink strip cut:
    8) 3" squares 

Draw a diagonal line on the back of 2 of the 3" pink squares.  Place each of theses with a 3" brown square making sure the right sides are together and the outside edges are aligned.  Sew 1/4" on both sides of the line.  Trim to 2 1/2" and press open.

Draw a diagonal line on the back of each of the 12) 3" background squares.  Match each of these to a 3" pink or brown square and create half square triangles as described above.

Use the photo to arrange and assemble the block.

Thank you for taking this journey with us as we have honored women of faith and courage.  We realize this is but a small sample of the many inspiring lives lived.  We hope you have been uplifted in some small way as you courageously live and give and quilt.

We will be starting a new block of the month in June.  Becky is designing a scrappy quilt, paying homage to the old saying, "Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.  The plan is to help you use up some of the scraps you have on hand.  We will provide part of the block each month and you will pull from your scraps to complete it.  We look forward to seeing the variations you come up with.  We will have fabric available for those who might not have scraps.  

A sampling of some of the blocks we are working on is shown below.

Pricing will be determined as we get the quilt finished - stay tuned!