For this block you will need:
red - 4) 3" squares
4) 2 1/2" squares
1) 4 1/2 " square
tan - 4) 4 1/2" squares
background - 4) 3" squares
12) 2 1/2" squares
Draw a diagonal line on the back of 8) 2 1/2" background squares. Place one of these a corner of a 4 1/2" tan square, making sure the outside edges are aligned and the right sides are together. Sew on the diagonal line. Trim 1/4" from the drawn line and press back. Repeat the process on a second corner of the tan square. (Make sure it is not the corner diagonally across from the first.) Create four of these units.
Draw a diagonal line on the back of each of 3" background squares. Place one of these with a 3" red square making sure the outside edges are aligned and the right sides are together. Sew 1/4" on each side of the drawn line. Square to measure 2 1/2" and press to the red. Repeat to create 8 half-square triangle units.
Use the photo above to sew the block together.
Sew the block to the bottom of the second column.
Sew this section to the right of the first section.
Sew 36) 2 1/2" scrappy squares together and sew to the right of the right of the second column.