
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Hollyhocks - July 2013 mystery quilt

This was a fun and pretty easy quilt to do.  We love the brightly colored fabrics.

Follow the printed instructions for cutting.  Trim the selvedge carefully to make sure you get all of the needed squares from the width of the fabric.

Draw a diagonal line from corner to corner on each of the cream squares.  Place one on a corner of a print square with the right sides of the fabric together. 

Sew on the drawn line.  Repeat on the opposite corner of the print square.  Trim ¼ inch from the drawn lines and press the cream back.   Repeat to complete 80 squares.

Create twelve large blocks by sewing four matching squares together. 


Create fourteen half blocks by sewing two matching squares together.  You should have 4 single squares remaining.  These will be used in the corners.
Sew the large squares together in four rows of three blocks. 
Sew a 1 ½ inch cream strip to the top and bottom of the quilt.   
Sew three of the half blocks together end to end to create the top border.  Repeat for the bottom border.  Sew these to the quilt.


Sew a 1 ½ inch strip of cream to both sides of the quilt.  Create the side border by sewing four of the half blocks end to end. 
Sew a 1 ½ x 7 inch cream strip to each end.   Sew one of the remaining squares to each end of the row. (Pay special attention to the direction of the blocks to complete the zigzag correctly.) 
 Sew to the quilt.  Repeat to create the other side border. 


Quilt as desired.  Bind and enjoy!

 And the fabrics for August will be........
from the "On the Go" collection by Riley Blake.
Call us at 801-465-9133 to sign up!


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