
Friday, December 2, 2016

Buck a Block (Block 11)

For block 11 you will use:
4) 4" background squares
4) 3 1/2" background squares
4) 4" red squares
4) 4" blue squares

Draw a diagonal line on the back of the 4" background squares.

Draw a diagonal line on two of the red squares.

Match the two red squares with 2 blue squares.

Match the remaining two red and the remaining two blue with the four 4" background squares.
Sew 1/4 inch on each side of the drawn lines.

Cut on the line.

Square to 3 1/2" and trim the corners from each end of the seam to eliminate bulk.

Press toward the darker fabrics.

Use the photo at the top of the page to arrange and sew the half square triangles and the 3 1/2 inch background squares to create the block.

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