
Friday, June 7, 2024

Country Summer block of the month

We are grateful to all of you who are participating in our new block of the month.  So often, we hear you lament that you have so much fabric that needs to be used.  Part of our goal with this quilt is to help you find a home for some of those pieces.  Becky has worked to design a beautiful, scrappy quilt.  We are happy with the way it turned out.

for this quilt we will provide part of the fabric for each of the blocks.  You will supply the rest from your scraps.  Each of you will end up with a quilt that will be uniquely yours. We are anxious to see the results of your efforts.

The Franklin D. Roosevelt presidential library and museum website explains,

"During the Great Depression money was hard to come by and so people were not able to go to the store or order whatever they wanted or needed online. In fact there was no online in those days! People became creative in the way they used, and reused, what they had. “Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without” became a popular saying. Today we call that “repurposing” or “up-cycling.” 

I'm sure most of you have heard this "make it do" phrase at some time in your lives.  We are here to help you use it up and hopefully have some fun in the process. 


The cost for this quilt will be a $10.00 sign up fee and $4.00 per block.  The first block will be released June 8Subsequent blocks will be available the second Saturday of each month for the next 12 months. Latecomers are welcome.  

Block One:

    24) 3" squares
    16) 2 1/2" squares
Black check:
    8) 3" squares
Four different pinwheel prints:
    4) 3" squares from each (We have provided fabric for two, the other two will come from your scraps.) 

 Draw a diagonal line on the back of all 24) 3 inch background squares.  Match one of these with each of the black check and colored 3" squares. Make sure the outside edges are aligned and the right sides are together. Sew 1/4 inch on both sides of the drawn line.  Cut on the line and trim to 2 1/2 inches.  Press the squares open.

Use the photo below to arrange and sew the block together.  The block should measure 16 1/2 inches square.


We would love for you to bring a friend to join the fun!

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