
Tuesday, August 4, 2015

July Mystery Quilt

Draw a diagonal line on the back of each of the 2 ½” squares.

Place one on each corner of a 6 ½” square with the right sides together.  Sew on the drawn line and trim ¼” from the line.  

Press the corners back.  Repeat to create 31 blocks. 

Sew the  background strips together with the contrast fabric strips.  You will need 4 sets of background, contrast, background and 2 sets of contrast, background, contrast.  Press toward the contrasting print. 

  Sub cut each of these strips into 16) 2 ½” sections.  Sew three of these sections together to create a nine patch block.  (You will use two background, contrast, background and one contrast, background, contrast for each block.)  Create a total of 32 nine patch blocks.

Arrange the balloon blocks and the nine patch blocks into nine rows with 7 blocks in each row.  The first row begins and ends with a nine patch block.  The second begins and ends with a balloon block.  Alternate the rows in this fashion to assemble.

Sew on the border.  Quilt as desired.  Bind and enjoy! 

Don't forget our $5.55 fabric sale this Friday.

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